Friday 8 June 2012

Something about myself

Since my very first post is a little sentimental or too expressive. I have decided to introduce myself.
Here are some facts about me.

1. I've been really into soccer ever since I was in grade 5 but I only had the courage to let it out and let everyone know when I entered first year high school. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I named my blog "break the silence"
2. I just learned the guitar a year ago. My sister taught me years back when I was still a kid. I didn't have the attention to listen so she stopped teaching me. Then Christmas of 2010 my closest cousin taught me how and I got interested. Then there I knew I had the talent to play the guitar.
3. I like playing volleyball. Since I got into soccer I somehow 'lost' the talent. Hihi.
4. I have a niece named Schaine (son of my cousin). He's the one I'm closest to so I consider him as my own little brother. We have the same interests and we also grew together. We both like soccer and enjoy playing it! We even enrolled in Ateneo Football Center. Summer of 2011.

5. Another niece of mine is Kelly (daughter of my sister). She's like my little sister and I often take care of her when her parent's aren't around. Even if she's only a year old we still enjoy each other and play weird games that we only understand. 
6. Here are my friends! (from left to right) Inez, Keziah, Sheena, Gela, Lauriz, Me, Nikki, and Ruth. Celina wasn't included in the photo since there was a problem back then. Ruth however doesn't hang out with us also because of the same problem. 
 7. Last but definitively not the least. I like taking pictures. What hinders me is my 'insecurities' and I'm hating it. I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it. I'm slowly getting there. c: 

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